Bartlett Maritime Corporation's Code of Ethics

Bartlett Maritime Corporation today announced the release of the company’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Business Conduct, referred to as “The Red Book,” establishing clear and concise professional guidance for all members of the organization.

“Our values underpin every decision we make at Bartlett Maritime,” said Founder and CEO Edward L. Bartlett, Jr. “The purpose of The Red Book is to help all our people ensure each decision is ethical and grounded in simple, shared principles.”

The Red Book covers a range of topics including compliance, conflicts of interest, personal and professional relationships, reporting and disclosure, and fairness in the workplace. Every employee of the company and its subsidiaries has received a copy, and each new employee will receive a copy of the document on their first day.

“The integrity of Bartlett Maritime as an organization relies on the individual integrity of every member of our team,” said Bartlett. “Just as we are each committed to taking ownership of our company’s success, we also take ownership of our company’s professional conduct and reputation.” 

The BMC Code of Ethics and Standards of Business Conduct is also available on the company’s website Click here to read.

“We will continue to be transparent in the accountability standards we set for ourselves,” said Bartlett. “We owe that to our customers, to our suppliers, to the public and to each other.”


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