The Bartlett Maritime Plan™ Endorsed by Additional Unions

Bartlett Maritime Corporation is pleased to announce that it’s Bartlett Maritime Plan™ has been endorsed by additional unions representing more than 5 million members.  Both the Seafarers International Union, AFL-CIO and the Maritime Trades Department, AFL-CIO have added their endorsements to the growing list of organizations which have endorsed the Bartlett Maritime Plan™.

Over the last decade the nation’s 4 Naval Shipyards have been unable to complete the required maintenance on the US Navy’s aircraft carriers and submarines, with an average, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) analysis, of more than 0.6 aircraft carriers and more than 3.4 submarines always unexpectedly sidelined in delayed maintenance.[1] GAO and other third-party entities such as the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the Navy itself, and the Heritage Foundation have extensively documented this current US Navy aircraft carrier and submarine maintenance crisis.  

[1] GAO Report 20-588, From FY14 through FY19 submarines sustained 6296 days of maintenance delay, averaging 3.45 submarines out of service due to delayed maintenance for this entire 5-year period.  Similarly, aircraft carriers sustained 1128 days of maintenance delay, averaging 0.62 aircraft carriers out of service due to delayed maintenance for this entire 5-year period.

In response, Bartlett Maritime Corporation has developed its immediately actionable, cost-effective public-private-partnership proposal – The Bartlett Maritime Plan™ – the plan includes building a new Naval Shipyard – American Naval Shipyard – in Lorain, OH and a new Naval Equipment Depot – American Naval Depot – in Lordstown, OH.  This innovative and unique plan includes financing through a public-private-partnership, being developed by our retained advisor Goldman Sachs, and had already been endorsed by the Metal Trades Department of the AFL-CIO.  

The Seafarer’s International Union was chartered in 1938 and is the largest union representing seagoing personnel on US Flag vessels.  The Maritime Trades Department of the AFL-CIO was chartered in 1946 and is comprised of 20 constituent unions, including the Seafarer’s International Union, representing more than 5 million union members. 

In the Seafarer’s International Union endorsement letter, Executive Vice President Augustin Tellez notes, “In today’s economy, projects that involve public/private partnerships often make the most sense.  This is one of those occasions.”

Michael Sacco, President of the Maritime Trades Department noted in his endorsement letter, “This project will provide a dramatic economic boost for the northeast Ohio/northwest Pennsylvania region with the creation of up to 5,000 solid union jobs.  Additionally, it will reinforce America’s defense capabilities by opening and operating a new shipyard for the nation’s submarine fleet.”

These endorsements were verbally provided during the panel discussion and press conference held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on March 9, 2022.  


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